Hybrid apps with WPF & Vue.js using WebView2

Microsoft now puts a lot of effort to be able to create hybrid apps via Blazor. This could be one of many reasons, why we got a very powerful WebView2, which is based on Microsoft Edge and which work with WinForms, WPF, but also with .NET MAUI. This comes with very nice API, by which we can communicate from native apps to JavaScript website (and back). Let’s take a look how we can create a basic hybrid app. We’ll create an UI using Vue.js and use some native features, which we can access only from native apps (in our case we’ll use WPF).

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WinForms Todo List using MVVM and .NET 7

.NET 7 came with lots of interesting new stuff and especially WinForms got tons of new features. ¨Besides extended UI automation support and high DPI and scaling improvements, there are also new features for Data Binding such as introducing DataContext property or implementation of Commands for Forms. This makes possible to implement MVVM pattern, which is used a lot in other Microsoft frameworks such as WPF or .NET MAUI. I will try to demonstrate how you could implement basic Todo list using MVVM and new Data Binding features.

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